Let’s say you’ve recently re-emerged from declaring bankruptcy, or you’re looking to boost your income each month and have some room to breathe when it comes to your bills and other expenses. An option you may wish to consider is launching a small...
Though widely considered to be an onerous and undesirable process, probate is far from troublesome – at least for those who know the facts and have the right legal professional on their side. Here is a brief but useful guide on what this commonly misunderstood legal...
Since being disproportionately impacted by the housing bust in 2007, Florida has come a very long way – both its world famous real estate market and its overall economy have made considerable strides. But much work remains to be done, especially in the area of...
Make that 130 laws, to be exact. Florida is kicking off the start of July with a slew of new legal and regulatory changes that cover everything from buying U.S. flags to filling beer mugs – and certainly much more. Here is a brief but informative highlight. SB 2500A,...
Marriage is almost always followed by homeownership, which is why married couples in Florida (including since January 6, same-sex couples) enjoy special privileged in this regard – namely the unique legal status of Tenants By The Entirety (TBTE). Granted automatically...