Top 5 Tips for Financial Success in College — and Beyond
With the start of college, many young individuals will be getting their first taste of potentially being on their own and the costs involved in attending a school of higher education. For the average person, this involves dealing with a major aspect of going to just...
Stopping an Elderly Parent from Overspending
Elderly overspending has always been issue, but with the advanced technology and gadgets, the issue has increased significantly. While it can be hard to confront a parent about their spending habits, after all they are the “parent,” there are times when it is a...
Tips for Paying Off Student Loans
Student loans are a bane to every professional’s existence, as the debt can seem overwhelming and like a never-ending problem. Many obstacles that individuals face can allow their student loans to reach gigantic proportions. However, by preparing a financial plan...
What’s the Best Option: Chapter 7 or Chapter 13
Filing for bankruptcy can be a terrifying and overwhelming process. The amount of information available while abundant is also confusing to most people. When going through the various bankruptcy steps, the first thing an individual needs to decide is if they will be...
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
While filing for bankruptcy is not an ideal option for most consumers, it can sometimes be the most financially sound decision a debtor can make. One of the biggest concerns is that filing for bankruptcy can have a negative effect on an individual’s credit score, and...
A Brief Overview of Zombie Foreclosures
Zombie foreclosures are properties that are vacant and in foreclosure. According to Realty Trac, there are currently around 302,000 of these properties. This particular type of foreclosure is troublesome not just to the homeowner and maybe even mortgage holder, but...
What Debt Collectors are Not Allowed to Do
Being in debt is a scary and stressful thing, and the constant calling from debt collects can make the experience even more terrifying. While it may seem like debt collectors can do whatever they want to collect, that is far from the truth. In reality, they have...
What to Expect When Filing for Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy can be a challenging process. Since federal bankruptcy laws supervise the majority of the bankruptcy process, the general steps are similar to all other states. Despite that, Florida does have a few state specific laws that need to also be...
Common Financial Planning Challenges Consumers Face
Today’s economy can make financial planning very challenging. Prices for products continue to increase at a high rate, while pay rates are increasing at a much slower rate, thus, making financial planning quite difficult for consumers. Below are some other common...
Tips for Preventing Bankruptcy
No one wants to file for bankruptcy. In spite of this, when a person is in debt it can seem quite overpowering and filing for bankruptcy can seem like the only option available. Some things that an individual can do to make sure they never have to go through the...