If you managed to successfully file for bankruptcy, you are now in a great position to start with a clean slate and make better financial decisions. To avoid falling into the same or similar patterns as you did before, you’ll want to make the transition towards developing a budget for you and your family.
Begin by talking things out and avoid making any unilateral decisions regarding your family’s budget. Take a moment to talk about what needs to be included in the budget and what areas will require tightening things up. Make sure to include exact dollar amounts of what your expenses will be and stick to them. These initial steps will help tremendously in relieving the anxiety associated with having to maintain stricter finances.
Remember that even after bankruptcy, you do have to take some time to enjoy life and give yourself some small luxuries. Your budget should factor in these small luxuries so that each member doesn’t feel as if they are necessarily giving something up. Keep in mind that these luxuries should not detract or conflict with helping you stay on top of your new, realistic financial goals.
Lastly, remember that it is imperative to leave room in your budget if something goes wrong or needs to be adjusted. As time goes by, allowing some room for budget flexibility means you have room to adjust it as necessary and will have the money available to cover any unforeseen emergencies.
These financial tips are provided to you by Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy attorney Bigge & Rodriguez, P.A. If you need a Fort Lauderdale bankruptcy lawyer or have questions about Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, call 954.400.7322 to speak with us. We also specialize in foreclosure defense.