If you’re facing bankruptcy, you’ll want to try and focus on the challenges that are ahead of you and take existing measures to deal with those issues. Bankruptcy is not necessarily the correct or best solution for everyone nor will it necessarily help...
There are a lot of negative connotations associated with bankruptcy and because it’s a touchy subject, many who are facing bankruptcy don’t take the time to explore fully what it’s all about, what it means, and the aspects of it that are not true. To...
An important thing to remember if you’re facing bankruptcy is that it does not mean you have failed, that’s not its intended purpose. Instead, the U.S. Bankruptcy Code is allowing you or your business to start anew and rebuild. It’s not unusual for...
When it’s time for college, the average person will have to apply for a student loan to pursue a higher education. Tuition can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, leaving many people with a looming debt once they’ve graduated and decide to start...
Let’s say you’ve recently re-emerged from declaring bankruptcy, or you’re looking to boost your income each month and have some room to breathe when it comes to your bills and other expenses. An option you may wish to consider is launching a small...